This is how to identify a smart person in 3 minutes

  • I can maybe try and do this in 3 minutes, 5 for sure.

    First, don’t go for looks. Just say hello, strike up a conversation for maybe 30 seconds. See whether or not they are OK with silence or not; usually intelligent people are able to keep themselves occupied and shy off when a conversation dulls. Most people look at the eyes - intelligent people have depth in their eyes, they don’t always need to be ‘sharp’.

    Now comes the important part. Once you see who seems intelligent, talk to them about philosophical topics.

    It’s incredibly easy to see who is really intelligent; intelligent people will most likely have already thought of similar things and will answer you and give you a new perspective. They will relish the opportunity and three minutes will fly in 10 seconds.

    People passing off as intelligent will try to sound smart and use big words and theories, but look past and they don’t have much substance. Intelligent people should be able to put deep things in easy-to-understand sentences. 3 minutes will most likely look like this - 1 minute to do the talking, 2 to get to the point.

    Normal people will just tell you to go away(or call you a nerd), or just turn off. Because really, what’s the point? No need to ask deep questions. No need to talk about them either. 3 minutes will usually be them on their phones.

    To be honest with you, I’m not shading normal people or people who try to look smart; because I may also be a normal person who is writing this from a “smart” person’s perspective. Also, there’s a reason why smart people are smart - if everyone’s smart, no one is.

    Normal people are normal people; and in reality, too much deep discussions about time and creation and life and all that drains time, time that may be better used helping society. Even “smart people” are just normal people, we just have a spike in a physical(or mental) attribute.

    Signing off,

    A Random Teen in the Middle of Nowhere

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