Expressing the Location of Important Places
    Express the location of important places
    When you are locating places you have to use certain prepositions to locate them. These prepositions are: At, in and on.
    The prepositions at in and on can be confusing sometimes. The following is an explanation of how to use these prepositions. These are at, on and in.
    At is used to locate something at a certain point:
    Example 1
    • At the bus station
    • At the entrance
    • At the crossroads
    • At the junction
    • At the top of the mountain
    • At John's house
    We were waiting at the bus stop when it started to rain. He was at the entrance of the theatre when he heard the noise.
    In is used to locate something enclosed in a space:
    Example 2
    • In a box
    • In a car
    • In a building
    • In my pocket
    • In my bag
    • In New York
    • In Spain
    They found a lot of money in his pocket. I've lived in London for two years
    On is used to indicate position above and in contact with the surface of something.
    Example 3
    • On the wall
    • On the door
    • On the table
    • On the ceiling
    • On the carpet
    • On the page
    • On the cover
    The picture on the wall is fantastic.You'll find more information about the camp on this page.
    For direction of important places we use words like, front, back, beside, adjacent, opposite, top.
    1. Front directions express something which you face.
    2. Back/ behind direction express things which is in the side of your back
    3. Beside/adjacent explain something which is next to, closer or nearby
    4. Opposite explain something which face another thing
    Example 4
    The first drawing is in front of the second drawing, the second drawing in at the back of the first drawing, and the third drawing is adjacent to the first drawing, while the third drawing and fourth are opposite to each other
    Other words to use is the right and left hands the direct a person to go somewhere, for example; the second drawing is on the left hand of the fourth drawing.
    Activity 1
    Direct a person to the hospital from your school.

    Facts from the Media
    Identify facts from the media
    Analysing information from the media is the process of putting together information and being able to answer factual and non factual questions.
    Factual Information is usually brief. It gives indisputable answers to specific questions. No explanation or analysis is needed. Examples of sources for factual information are the encyclopedia, statistical compilations and almanacs.
    Example 5
    By The guardian reporter
    7th December 2015
    Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Jumanne Sagini. The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) interim service providers have assured the government and Tanzanians at large that preparations for commencement of operations were going on well.
    It is expected that the BRT system will start by January 10, next year. The assurance came during a tour of the Permanent Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Jumanne Sagini to inspect the buses that will offer transportation services. Few days ago, Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa called for a speedy implementation of the project. “We wanted to satisfy ourselves if the buses are ready to offer the service,” Sagini who led other government officials told journalists. UDA-RT Company owns the 140 brand new articulated buses that will be used in the BRT system. The buses will use top-notch Information and Technology (IT) system in fare collection, information, entertainments and other services. There will also be special areas for disabled and elders. “The Prime Minister’s directives should be implemented as soon as possible,” Sagini told UDA-RT officials.The chairperson, UDA-RT, Robert Kisena urged citizens to take care of the buses once operations start. “Dar es Salaam dwellers and drivers of the buses will have to take care of the buses once we start operations,” he said. He noted that destroying the buses will be self defeating because the service is meant to facilitate transportation in the country’s commercial city.He noted that installation of gadgets to be used in the buses has started and was ongoing for the rest of the buses. The spokesperson of UDA-RT, Said Mabruk said all required buses needed in the interim service were already in the country and that it was his hope that the new transportation system will commence on time. The drivers who will operate the buses have already been trained.
    Also, the project’s contractor is finalizing the infrastructure needed, especially bus stations and terminals, on time.The BRT project includes construction of 20.9 kilometre special trunk road froKimara terminal to Kivukoni area, Msimbazi road from Fire to Kariakoo-Gerezani area and a part of Kawawa Road from Magomeni to Morocco junction.It is anticipated that by 2025, Dar es Salaam will have 11.5 million citizens and this according to experts calls for serious infrastructure improvement. On-going phase one works of the project envisions reducing traffic jams and congestion at Dar es Salaam.
    Exercise 1
    According to the passage what are factual claims? Identify four of them.

    Non-Factual Information from the Media
    Identify non-factual information from the media
    Non factual information is information that cannot be verified or something that did not actually happen. Opinions are not factual information.
    Exercise 2
    According to the same passage above what are the non factual claims? Identify three of them.
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