Narrating One's Character
    Narrate his/her activities
    We closed school for the holidays and I was both excited and nervous. I was anxious to see my father and mother so I called my mother to tell her that I would be leaving for home Friday morning. The journey home went well and I saw beautiful landscapes like Mount Usambara. We arrived in Arusha City at 4:30 pm and found my father and young brother waiting for me at the bus station. I was very happy to see them! Once home, I did many activities such as going to shamba, washing dishes, watering the garden and visiting my friends. I really enjoyed my holiday!

    Narrating Past Events
    Narrate past events
    An event is an action/activity that happened, is happening or is going to happen. Some actions are planned and others are unplanned/unexpected. In 1929-33 there was a great economic depression which started in the U.S.A and spread all across the world. These events can be counted in terms of days, hours, weeks, months, years and etc. and can be recorded onto magazines, gazettes, video tapes, etc. There are different words used when talking about past events. These are words such as; "last [week, month, year]," "yesterday". In addition, the verb ’be’ turns into ; was and were. For instance, ’last week I was playing football.’
    Activity 1
    Write a short passage about your past events in not more than one page.
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