Talking about One's Home Routines/Habits
    Talk about his/her home routine/habits
    My name is Gabriel. I’m a 12 year old Tanzanian living in Bunda town. I wake up early, at about 6 am, then I brush my teeth and take a bath before quickly having some breakfast.
    I usually have tea with chapati before riding my bicycle to school at 8 am. I go straight to the assembly ground to hear the morning speech, news and announcements from teachers. After this I go into class before break time at 11am. The school day finishes at 2pm. When I reach home, I have my lunch and rest at 4 until 6. At 7:30, I have my supper before revising my school work. Then at 10 pm, I wish my mother and my father a goodnight before going to sleep.
    Activity 1
    Write a short description of any of the following:
    1. How you prepare for school each day?
    2. What you do over the weekend?
    3. What you do on public holidays?
    My daily routine
    My name is Julie and I live in Ilemela with my aunt. I work as an assistant manager at an electric power company. I normally wake up at 6 am, brush my teeth and take a bath quickly before having tea and vitumbua. Then I go to work, have lunch around noon and continue with work. At 4 pm, I leave work and head back home. When I reach home, I usually find my aunt busy watering the garden. I greet her, have a little rest until 6 when I prepare dinner. We eat at 7:30 and watch some news before going to sleep at 10pm.
    Exercise 1
    Answer the following questions according to the text above:
    1. What time does Julie wake up?
    2. Who does Julie stay with?
    3. What does Julie works as?
    4. What time does Julie have lunch?

    Talking about Class Routines/Habits
    Talk about class routine/habits
    St. Theresa Secondary School is in the Kilimanjaro region. Students wake up at 4.30 am, brush their teeth and at 11 they go for prayers before bathing and prepare for breakfast at 6. At 7.30 am all students go to their classrooms. Break time is at 10.30 until 11 am until 2:30 pm when the bell rings and they all go back to their dormitories to freshen up. At 3 , they have their lunch after which all students carry out their personal routines. At 5 pm, students go for prayer and go to the dinning hall for supper at 6pm. At 7 pm, all students go to their classes for self studies until 10 pm, when they go back to their dormitories to prepare for sleep. All lights are switched off atAt 10.15.
    Activity 2
    1. Write down your school’s daily routine.
    2. Each student in form one class should be able to write their class routine.
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